Juanita Duffin MCMA
Areas of specialisation:
Registered Clinical Aromatherapist with Complimentary Medical Association
Lymphatic Drainage Therapist
Essential Oil Specialist Educator
Certified Aromatouch Therapist
Symphony of the Cells Educated Professional
iTOVi Scanner Therapist
Hello, my name is Juanita and I’m a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate
My introduction to true therapeutic essential oils was in 2018 when I was facing a particularly difficult year emotionally. My husband and I had lost both our babies around a decade before and in this year it came to light I wasn’t coping very well with the grief.
It sounded so crazy, essential oils for helping grief? They only help with relaxation and sleep, right?
I totally underestimated their power!
What I found was they worked really hard at helping to support me on an emotional level while I was dealing with - for the first time - some of the pretty ugly stuff that comes with the process of grieving.
I have since learned how they actually work, how they support our bodies, enabling them to bring back balance to the different chemicals, hormones and enzymes within us, and how they affect our mental and emotional health as well as our physical health too.
My personal experience of realising the true value of these potent therapeutic essential oils has birthed a passion in me to share this with everyone I meet.
Oil of Eden was formed as a platform to share my story through interactive and fun based learning.
Essential Oils Rock!
What does the Bible say about essential oils?
I don’t know if you believe in the bible or not, if you believe in the One creator God and creation or that the earth has evolved, or maybe you’re somewhere in the middle - but I think there is something we can all agree on and that is our bodies have the ability to heal themselves - when they are given the right environment.
Dr. Josh Axe quotes in his book Essential Oils Ancient Medicine, *there are at least 33 references to specific essential oils and aromatic plants mentioned throughout the bible, with over 600 references to fragrances, odours, ointments, aromas, perfumes and sweet savours. Incense is mentioned 68 times, with the first oil blend given to Moses in Exodus 30v22-25 by God.
So what does the Bible say about essential oils? - in short - a lot!
* Essential Oils Ancient Medicine (Dr. Axe, Bollinger and Rubin, 2016, p. 28)
Obtained copyright permissions to use for Oil of Eden
As a born again Christian, I believe in the bible, that it is my guidebook for this temporary life on earth, and so if it’s mentioned in the Bible, it’s good for me.
Essential oils were; and still are, created by God, and He created them for a reason. They were already on this earth before He created Adam and Eve because He knew our earthly bodies would need them.
Want to learn more?
We will look further into this amazing provision for us, and the bigger reason why God created them during my ‘What does the Bible say about Essential Oils’ classes.
AromaTouch Treatments
AromaTouch is a clinical approach to essential oil application. It is not an aromatherapy massage, hence the name ‘touch’. It uses 8 dōTERRA essential oils, 4 singles and 4 blends, which are layered on top of each other and help to bring harmony and balance.
The treatment also helps to support the immune system allowing the body to heal itself and finishes with an energising boost. The oils are applied to the back, shoulders, neck and soles of the feet resulting in a very relaxing and soothing treatment that takes 45 minutes.
But, this treatment can be done by yourself on yourself. Admitted - it’s not as relaxing as having it done for you, but, it’s the combination of oils that do the hard work. Even by applying them yourself, you will still get the same therapeutic benefits and effects from this amazing collection of oils.
iTOVI Scanner
The iTovi Scanner is like Apple watches and FitBit, as they all use Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) technology to collect live, individualised wellness data from your body. GSR is perfect for this because the electricity in your skin is tied to so many wellness factors.
The iTovi Scanner uses GSR, not just to monitor, but to test your body’s reaction to a range of wellness products which includes essential oils. This results in great insights into your wellness AND knowledge of how best to use your wellness products.
It is not a diagnostic machine, however since 2013 this technology has seen an increase of use within clinical applications and settings. This is due to the further development of this technology and it giving more stable and reliable results.
In my experience, it is scarily accurate.
To find out how you can get a FREE monthly full scan, please contact me.
Join me…
So now you can’t wait to get your hands on dōTERRA oils and start reaping the benefits?
Well you are in the right place; the most effective way for you to purchase dōTERRA oils is to open a wholesale membership with me. This will give you a minimum of 25% to start with off the retail price - and this is how I got started with mine. This discount can also grow to 55% off over time.
There are a number of ways in which you get two types of membership when joining with me, so for more information please email and I’ll take you through the options and explain the best way to get started. The two types are:
Wholesale Customer: no minimum order required or monthly spends, order what you like when you like
Wellness Advocate: for people who want to share these oils with friends and family and get paid some rewards for doing so
Both of these memberships are eligible for the discounts mentioned above.
I will help you find the best option that is going to suit you best.